About us

The Medical Center Fisioter Solemar was established in 1990 as a center for physiotherapy providing both: private care, and care with agreement with the National Italian Healthcare Service, and has continued to evolve following the progress of scientific medicine, particularly in the area of rehabilitation.

Using cutting-edge machinery and highly qualified staff, continually refined with Professional updating courses. The office offers free Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation or orthopedic consultations before and after a course of physiotherapy.
Lo studio mette a disposizione consulenze fisiatriche e ortopediche gratuite pre e post ciclo di fisioterapia.

Company Goal

The standard for accreditation are founded based on the structural qualifications, technologies, and organization verifications. This has represented a starting point for the development of the Facility. The primary objective is the patient’s utmost satisfaction via the pursuit of the highest levels of quality, which is always increasing to further satisfaction in terms of reliability, courtesy, and availability.
To manage the minimum requirements for Regional operating Authorization and the additional requirements for the Institutional Accreditation the Medical Center has implemented throughout 2008 an internal management system for quality in reference to the law UNI EN ISO 9001/2008; this system, in despite not being accredited is active and updated annually.

Treated Disease

Bone Pathologies, Joint, Muscle, and Tendonsin both Ortopedic and post-traumatic.
Treatments for post-procedural surgeries (for example, post-arthroscopy or after surgeries for the substitution of prosthetics) Rheumatological Disorders: fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Connective Tissue Disease, Polymyalgia Rheumatic. Neurological disorders Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, Hemiparesis, Neuropathy.

Terapia fisica accreditata

Infrared rays
Vertebral Mobilization
Motor Reeducation


There are no waiting lists with the exception of particular requests from the customer/patient (days, hours/therapist)
in this case the waiting time can be approximately one week.

Terapia fisica privata

Tecar Therapy
Shock Wave Therapy
Laser Therapy
High Intensity Laser Therapy
Magnetic Therapy
Diadynamic Analgesic Electrotherapy
Electrotherapy TENS
Pompages for joint and myofascial
Manual Lymph Drainage
Massage Therapy
Connective Tissue Massage
Manual Tractions
Postural Gymnastics

Guida ai Servizi


Tutela della Privacy
Agli utenti che si presentano per la prima volta nel “Centro” viene chiesta l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Reg. UE 2016/679.
La Carta dei Servizi è a disposizione degli utenti e del personale allo scopo di tutelare il diritto all’informazione.
Viene distribuito, inoltre, un questionario di valutazione del grado di soddisfacimento degli utenti. I risultati di tali questionari sono conservati dal Centro e trattati statisticamente con scadenza annuale.

Questi strumenti vengono adottati al fine di apportare miglioramenti alla qualità dei servizi offerti.
Sempre in quest’ottica, possono essere presentati presso la Segreteria i reclami degli utenti formalizzati attraverso la compilazione del modulo reclami messo a disposizione in sala d’attesa. Ai suddetti reclami il Legale Rappresentante del Centro Fisioter Solemar fornirà riscontro entro 48 ore dalla consegna.

Physical and mental wellbeing are very important! You can rely in our experienced, qualified, and professional personnel. Make an appointment and we will gladly take care of your needs.
The patients that access the Centro Medico Fisioter Solemar will benefit from a free Orthopedic or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation consultation to best personalize their rehabilitation program

Visit the Facilities